Merry Christmas to all the readers who find themselves faithful in the study of God's word! Let's remember the reason we celebrate this season: God our Heavenly Father sent His Son down to earth to teach us and ultimately become our final sacrifice for sin. Let us give thanks this Christmas that we can have salvation because of the birth that we now celebrate.
In Psalms 3:1-2 we see that David is being pursued by Absalom, his rebellious son. During this troubling time, we see that David is writing a song of prayer to the Lord. He doesn't start out with a complaint; he doesn't start out with a praise. He starts out by just telling God what's going on in his life. He doesn't make any bones about it, he just states the facts -- "God, I've got a lot of enemies here, and they're saying you won't deliver me."
Once David has told God what's going on, he makes a statement in submission and worship of God. Psalms 3:3-6 shows David's trust in God, and makes a massive statement about his past experiences with God's grace -- "You protect me, comfort me, and when I talk to you, you answer. I can sleep easy knowing I'm in your hands. I won't be afraid no matter how many people come after me." David doesn't say "you give me everything I ask for." He just puts his trust in God's protection and comfort, knowing that God is listening, and that God will answer.
Now that David has told God what's going on in his life, and he's let God know that he recognizes that his life is totally in His hands, Psalms 3:7-8 outlines David's request to God -- "Deliver me from my enemies, because only you can. Bless your people." Even in David's request to the Lord, the attitude of submission remains. When we pray, is this the attitude we bring to the altar with us? Do we submit ourselves to God completely? I know often I find myself demanding things from God, and I have to humble myself and say "not my will, but yours".
As we celebrate the birth and life of Christ today and throughout the new year, let's keep a humble spirit. We are the temple of the Lord. You wouldn't go to your friend's house and demand that he do something for you. You are God's house; be reverent to Him, you're just a guest in your body. Let's all pray with the spirit of David -- "God, I'd like your help and deliverance, but I'm in your hands."

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