How often do we Praise God? Is it a daily thing, or does it only happen on Sunday morning? How often should we praise God? The answer is found in Hebrews 13:15. Continually with the help of Jesus we should offer our sacrifice of praise to God specifically by proclaiming the glory of His name.
I think too often we get caught up in the specifics of what praise is to Christians. Perhaps more of what we've always been taught. Perhaps to some people praise is three hymns (two if they're longer) then offertory followed by two hymns of worship. While there's nothing wrong with having a method to worshiping God, this is not a regulated thing when it comes to praise.
As a father, when I praise my daughter I don't have a specific ceremony to do it. Rarely do I perform the praise in song, and if I did it wouldn't be choral (I love my daughter, but it's hard enough to get a small group of people to sing to the Almighty God let alone an eight year old). So my praise of her comes in words mostly to people who I think should know just how smart, beautiful, and well-behaved she is.
Likewise our praise to God isn't just the songs we sing to Him, but the way we proclaim him to people that we meet. Witnessing to someone is telling them about God. If you're telling them the good things God has done, then you're praising Him. It's that simple. So praise God continually. Wherever you go. Whoever you meet. As the Psalmist said in Psalm 150:6 Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

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