We know that there were quite a few churches that Paul planted in the years following the death of Jesus. Many of these he wrote letters to that are now contained in the New Testament. Today we are going to look at a well-known church that Paul wrote to, but wasn't started by Paul himself. Epaphras was another christian in Paul's time, and spent some time with Paul tending to him while he was in prison. While Epaphras is only mentioned twice in the Bible, he still managed to start at least one church. The church at Colosse. This was Epaphras' home town, and here he planted a church after being led to the Lord by Paul.
Colossians 1:1-2
This is what could be almost called Paul's regular greeting. In almost everything he wrote included the salutation Grace and Peace. I don't think there's anything better that you could ask for someone. Grace to save us, and Peace to sustain us until we reach heaven.
Colossians 1:3-8
Here we see Epaphras as a messenger to the Colossians. Paul is writing to them when he hasn't necessarily met them, but knowing from the word of Epaphras about the Godly love that these people had for all the saints, he felt it necessary to write to these people. No doubt the name of Paul of Tarsus had spread through the early church similar to how Billy Graham or other evangelists are well-known among both christian and non-christians today, but how many people knew the name Epaphras? Possibly not many at all.
We know very little about Epaphras except what Paul wrote in Colossians, and that he is mentioned in the closing of Philemon. So he doesn't strike me as the sort of famous all-star evangelist that seem to take the scene in today's world. Yet he did something that was worth mentioning. He through the Spirit changed the community he lived in by witnessing and helping this small group of believers to come to the knowledge of the gospel. While this may not be anything big by the World's standards, we know that to God this is important.
So what is the testimony of Epaphras? Paul is able to sum him up in a very short verse. Colossians 1:7 says Epaphras was Paul's dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on Paul's behalf. Is there anyone that could or would say the same about you? It's important that we remember that to do the work of God, it doesn't take fame instead it takes a willing heart, the Love of God, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you. You may not get recognition or fame on earth, but the treasure you lay up in heaven is much better that anything that you could get here.

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