We begin this story in Numbers 11:13-15, where we find Moses completely disgruntled with the complaining of the Israelites. In the earlier portion of the chapter (Numbers 11:1-12), they have begun to grumble about the manna from Heaven, and instead want meat. We see Moses doing the right thing, and going to God for some help. You can obviously see the torment of Moses, and he's ready to die rather than continue to lead an utterly ungrateful people. God answers his prayer by having him appoint seventy elders, who would be consecrated and filled with the same Spirit as Moses (Numbers 11:16-24).
Now, we come to one of the most peculiar parts of the story. We find in Numbers 11:25 that the Lord came down in a cloud, and "put the Spirit on the seventy elders", but Numbers 11:26 finishes this by telling us that two of the men who were supposed to be at the Tent hadn't made it. We aren't ever informed why, but we do find that, even though they were not present at the Tent, and they were not near the cloud in which the Lord descended, they were filled with the same Spirit, and they also prophesied.
Have you ever missed church and been so down about it and didn't just worship God anyway? I know I have. I've been sick and laid in bed and moped about it while the people of God were worshiping just 15 minutes away from my house. This story is a great example how that, if we have the right attitude, and we're chosen of God, He can bless us wherever we are. The Spirit was moving where the chosen people of God were assembled, and the guys who couldn't make it got the same touch of God, too! It's good to be with the people of God if you can, but if you can't keep a good spirit about it, and worship God anyway, and He can still find you and bless you.

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