If you’ve not been following over the last two days, or if you’ve not yet accepted God’s great gift of salvation and made Jesus master of your life, I urge you to go back two days and start reading there and catch up. Otherwise, read on!
So you’ve recently gotten saved, or you’re just drifting along in your spiritual life, and you’re unsure of what to do or where to go. Or maybe you’re a dedicated Christian, strong in the Lord. Whoever you are, if your sins have been covered by the blood that Jesus shed on the cross, then these words apply to you.
Reading 2 Thessalonians 2:15 and 2 Timothy 2:15, we see that we need to study the teachings we have, contained in the Bible, so that we can be strong Christians. We need to listen to well established Christians, our pastors, our teachers. We need to do our best to be approved by God. We need to do all we can to make sure we pass the muster when God looks at our lives. We need to be workmen for Christ. We need to be honest workers.
We need to study God’s Word (the Bible) so that we know the truth. When we know the truth, we are tasked with “correctly handling” it. Some translations of the Bible use the phrase “rightly dividing” in place of “correctly handles”. Literally, the original Greek word was orthotomeo (or-tho-to-me’-ō) made from the words orthos, meaning “straight”, and temno, meaning “cut”. We should be studying God’s Word so that when we have questions, or someone asks questions of us, we can give them a “straight cut” of the word of truth.
In Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15 we find both our biggest challenge, and our biggest reward. As Christ’s followers, this is to share the good news of salvation with everyone we can. If you’re happy about having a friend like Jesus, you’ll want other people to get to know Him too. You will try to live a better, more meaningful, and more Christ-like life, and the people who you come in contact with every day will want to know what’s different in your life. They’ll see how no longer being at war with God has brought peace to you, and we should be as prepared as possible to give them a straight cut answer when they ask us about it.

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