It almost sounds like the beginning of a joke, or even a fairy tale. This is neither of the two.
Job 1:1
As a man of God, is there any better description you could desire? I love the way the Scriptures get right down to brass tacks. Here's two things he was, and two things he did. Together making a tremendous testimony about Job's life. As we read on, we see the blessings that God had given Job.
Job 1:2-3
Here we see an amazing amount of worldly goods. I think it's safe to say that Job was a successful father, business man, and man of God. This says a lot about Job. The following speaks volumes about what Job did.
Job 1:4-5
So, like a good father, Job regularly attended to the spiritual well being of his children. This is a good lesson for Godly men today. Are you looking after your children's souls? Do you pray for them, and check up on them? Are they on your minds as you go about your career? If not they should be. As the spiritual leader of your house you are responsible for your families spiritual well being. You can't make them follow God, but you can pray for them, and set a good example.

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