Job 1:13-19
This pretty much wiped the slate clean for Job. Nothing left except his wife. While I've never been in this situation, I have lost loved ones, jobs, and goods before. Although I've never cursed God for it, I did have a lot of doubt and anger in my heart. In retrospect, I truly wish that my heart had been closer to God when it happened. If so, my reaction might have been more like Job's.
Job 1:20-22
While at first glance verse twenty might look like the acts of a crazy man, understand that in those days this was how one showed that they were in mourning. So we see Job do two things. First, he began to grieve. This is fairly normal for most people who just lost everything. Second, we see something that doesn't usually happen with most people. We see Job fall on his face before God, and worship. He basically says, "I started with nothing, and I'll die with nothing, praise God." What astounding faith he had. I am reminded of the verse of a famous hymn penned by Horatio Spafford at a time of great loss in his own life.
When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, though hast taught me to say
It is well, It is well with my soul
This perhaps should be our prayer in those times when we experience great loss, yet we find ourselves as men needing to be strong for our families. Being at peace with God through these times means that you know He holds the future, and that he cares about you. With this in mind you can rest assured that He will see you through whatever mint come your way.

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